Friday, November 17, 2017

Screen free is the way to be! (just kidding)

So, life at the Gibbs house is as interesting as ever. We are on day 3 of screen free week or, as I like to call it, day 3 of the hostage situation. Man. MAN! I sure love Netflix and all it's babysitting abilities.

Let's be real for a minute. Mom guilt sucks. It sucks SO much. Since the twins were born we have been immersed in the TV. It's turned on when we wake up and I swear it doesn't shut off until bed time. I decided that we needed a week screen free to ease my guilt. Some time where they can detox and think about life. Just kidding, he's only 2.5 and believes life is strictly for destroying as much as he can in as little bit of time that he can. There is very little in this life that can control Charlie like a good binge watch of Curious George. I actually can't watch Curious George. He throws my anxiety into a tailspin. Seriously, Man in the Yellow Hat, stop saying "Be a good little monkey." You KNOW that's not gonna happen. Remember when George accidentally bought 100000 doughnuts. I can't even with that...That show is just an accident waiting to happen.

I went upstairs to put the twins down for a nap and asked Evie to "watch" Charlie. Whenever I do this I just have to come to terms with the fact that my house is about to be destroyed for the 5th time today. As I was up there I actually didn't hear anything terrible so I thought, naively, that we were in the clear. When I made it back downstairs The destruction was evident: A container of yogurt all over the floor with salt and pepper dumped on top of it. And then I found the culprit standing on the counter eating marshmallows out of a bag.

Screen free is not the way to be.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sandwich theif

In the mornings my wonderful husband gets up first thing with the babies and I get to sleep in until 7:15. It's glorious. This particular morning Beau came storming in panicking. In my disoriented haze I could tell he was freaking the freak out.
                                        "I need your help. I need you to take a baby."

I could hear one baby screaming downstairs as he shoved the other baby at me. I was like, let a sister get up but he was SERIOUSLY panicking. I started to get a little bit worried as he was flustered as I'd ever seen him.

"What is going on?!?" I asked him
"I need to you take a baby. Hattie is crying and Gracie's sandwich disappeared."
......say what??
"Her what?"
"Her sandwich for her lunch. Charlie took it and I can't find it!"

At this point I was kind of dying inside but I jumped out of bed and took Frankie so we could find the missing sandwich. As I followed behind him I see Charlie with his little finger sticking out taunting his dad saying:

"Dad sammmiiicchhhh"

Kids are the worst.

By the way, we found the sandwich under the twins play mat on the floor. 


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The current happenings

It's been a long time since I've posted! Since my last post we had twins, moved again, and have discovered that Charlie is no longer a cute little mommas boy who loves to snuggle but actually a miniature terror who likes to make mom cry. No big deal.

Life with 5 kids under 7 is always an adventure. Stay tuned for regular posts about our days!

about me

I love to eat food,  read books, hug my babies, see pretty things,
kiss my hubby, and photograph smiles- not exactly in that order.
This is just us, living our lives.
And yes, we are as crazy as we seem.