Monday, December 4, 2017

Judgy McJudgerson

I have realized in my old, ripe age of 32 that I am a judger. Not a normal one, mind you. I don't care what you wear, what you drive, who your friends are, etc. Nope, not one bit. However, at the moment, I am a hardcore judger of 2nd grade girls. True story. Gracie will come home from school and I'll sit rapt with attention as she fills me in on her day. 

"Susan(name changed because no one uses the name Susan anymore) didn't want to be my friend the first day of school. She was so mean. Now she's nice and we are best friends! I sit by her on the bus, can we have a playdate?"

Woah girl, back up. Back that truck right up. Suzy dingdong was mean to you? She was MEAN to you?  What are her parents names? Does she HAVE parents? Was she raised in the woods? (No one is mean to Gracie. Seriously, no one. Gracie is kind of terrible at home but, everyone loves that kid. She is a classic suck up!) Now she's nice so you're her friend? Ummm, sorry chick, that is not happening. We do not teach forgiveness and love in this house. You shut that down right now. And punch Susan in the face while you're at it. 

But what I actually say is "Oh Gracie, that's great! I love how kind you are."

Susan better watch her 7 year old back. 

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about me

I love to eat food,  read books, hug my babies, see pretty things,
kiss my hubby, and photograph smiles- not exactly in that order.
This is just us, living our lives.
And yes, we are as crazy as we seem.